Having delivered mail for
a few weeks, I find myself
feeling deep affection for letter boxes
and wanting to push things into them.
Letter boxes come in different sizes and degrees of tightness, as do the letters that they devour. An ideal combination for a mailman is a hard, heavy piece of mail and a mature letter hole, one whose cover is not too tight but not entirely loose yet either. In this case, the mail can easily be delivered with one hand, the right hand, which makes things quicker since the left arm is holding the pile of undelivered letters.
Trying to push a small, soft letter into a tight box is the worst. It requires two hands, one for opening the slot and one for placing the item inside, and can be painful, because the delivering hand often gets stuck under the stiff cover. These situations give me cuts on my fingers and make the process slow and complicated. Whenever I find myself holding a hopelessly flabby letter, I hope that the previous penetrator has accidentally left the target hole open.
Trying to push a small, soft letter into a tight box is the worst. It requires two hands, one for opening the slot and one for placing the item inside, and can be painful, because the delivering hand often gets stuck under the stiff cover. These situations give me cuts on my fingers and make the process slow and complicated. Whenever I find myself holding a hopelessly flabby letter, I hope that the previous penetrator has accidentally left the target hole open.
Rubber bands for binding the stacks of mail |
Mail and boxes |
Delivery bag |
These boots are made for mail delivery |
Please think about your mailman – take care of your letter box!
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